Friday, 2 March 2012

Phalaenopsis Orchids Care - First in a series about Orchid care

Phalaenopsis, the moth orchid, is one of the best orchids for growing in the home and is also a favourite with greenhouse growers. Well-grown plants will flower for up to 6months!


Is easy to provide for Phalaenopsis, they grow easily in a bright window with little or no direct sun. An east window is ideal in the home; shaded south facing or west window are acceptable.


Temperatures for Phalaenopsis should usually be above 60F at night and range from 70 -85F or more during the day. Although higher temperatures force faster vegetative growth, higher humidity and air movement must accompany higher temperatures, the recommended maximum being 95F. Night temperatures to 55F are desirable for several weeks in the fall in order to initiate flower spikes. Extreme fluctuating temperatures can cause buds to drop.


This is especially critical for Phalaenopsis, because they have no major water storing organs other than their leaves, they must never completely dry out. Plants should be thoroughly watered and not watered again until nearly dry through the pot. In the heat of summer in a dry climate like Calgary, this may be every few days and in the winter here, it may even be every 10 days. Also the type of potting media will determine the frequency of watering. Pots with moss generally take longer to dry out than plants potted in bark. Water only in the morning so the leaves are dry by nightfall to avoid rot from occurring on the leaves.


This is important to the Phalaenopsis the recommended humidity is 50-80%. In the home, set the plants on trays of gravel, partially filled with water so that the pot never sits in water or have a humidifier in the room. Mist the plant in dry climates or during dry weather in the morning only.


Use a fertilizer high in nitrogen (grow fertilizer) from about March to September and a fertilizer high in phosphorus (bloom fertilizer) the rest of the year. When in active growth plants need fertilizer every 2 weeks and when not growing, once a month. Thorough flushing with clear water every month is recommended to prevent build-up of fertilizer salts.


This is best done in the Spring after blooming.  Potting is usually done every 1 – 3 years. Mature plants can grow in the same pot until the potting medium starts to decompose, usually in 2 years. Root rot occurs if plants are left in a soggy medium. To re-pot, remove the entire old medium from the roots, trim soft/rotted roots and spread the remaining roots over a handful of medium in the bottom if a new pot. Fill the rest of the pot with medium, working it through the roots, so that the junction of the roots and the stem is at the top of the medium. Keep plant shaded and humid, but drier in the pot, for several weeks, to promote new root growth.

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